When I was a Soldier
By Valerie Zenatti
235 Pages
Published in 2005
When I was a Soldier is the story of a teenage girl named Valerie who has this perfect life of a teenager with 2 best friends whom she hangs out with all the time. After her bac exam, Valerie like everyone just turning 18, gets ready to start the 2 years of compulsory military service. This memoir is an account of her experience in the military service.
It is nothing like you could imagine happening in your own country. In Israel, boy or girl turning 18 after there high school exams have to spend there 2 years in military service. Valerie's voices the teenage views of many down there, and takes us through an ocean of different issues she and her like face during this period.
It gives you a peep into the Palestinian and Israeli conflicts that are still on and how the teenagers look at it. At the effect the wars have had on people! It is small book which necessarily does not give you a deep insight into the issues, but one girl's perspective of the country which was not hers, but where she belongs now.
My first OT-09 book! 4 stars :)
I'm always looking for books that explore the struggle from the view of younger people and books that are a little more readable than history books. I had never heard of this before. Good review :)
I have to say that I'm so glad I never had to serve in the military! This book sounds interesting -- even just one person's perspective is worth knowing about.
Nice review Veens. I love hearing about books like this that I normally wouldn't have.
Wow, I didn't realize that after 18 every Israeli has to enter the military for two years. This is an area of the world that I've never been quite clear on its history--so much conflict!
This sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Diary of an Eccentric
Ruinedbyreading, I hope you like this one really!
Thank you for dropping by!
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