At 91, literary genius J.D. Salinger passed away very recently and as I had not read anything by this celebrated author, the 1st thing I did was to hunt for something to read that was fast and easily available and short. Just to get a feel of his writing, just for that. The link of this short story was found at Nymeth's blog today and off I went to read him!
Oh My! I must have missed on a hell lot, if I had not taken the time to read this story. Surprisingly I loved it. I do not know how to explain, but I think it is one of those stories, that's going to stay with you for some time. And as you re-read the story again over time, you see more meaning and more depth in those few lines. It is a simple story, yet there is so much more than simpleness that adds to it.
I would recommend it HIGHLY. Even if you have not read any short story, you must read this one. This story actually reminded me why I love this genre a LOT.
Thanks is due to Nymeth, as always.
Go Read it Now, won't take more than 10-15 minutes, trust me - I am a slow reader :).
This is my small tribute to him and now I have to pick up Catcher in the Rye, which I have had for a long time, but never read it.
Never had enough courage, I think ... :)
i haven't read anything by Salinger as well.. incidentally, i picked up catcher in the rye just 2 days back ..honestly,i think i was a lil intimidated and that's why i havent read him before .. i have to read it,now that i have the book !!
I loved Catcher in the Rye and Franny and Zoe.
I've only read Catcher in the Rye, but it's been a long time. I'll have to check out the story.
Veens, thank you for posting this. I read about his death in the newspaper this morning, and thought about writing a post on J.D. Salinger--now you've beaten me to it (plus, I had to post giveaway winners). Anyway, thanks for this post and for the link to Bananafish (interesting title), which I hope is as good as The Catcher in the Rye (although you can't really compare a short story with a novel . . . apples and oranges).
I mentioned you in today's post!
I heard several people talking in the last couple of days saying that Salinger's short stories were really the things to read.
I'm back because I just read this short story, and I recommend it, too! I hope you'll read The Catcher in the Rye, Veens!
So glad you loved it, Veens! Come over and do our group read of Catcher in the Rye next month!
I've read Catcher in the Rye - scary kind of book but not something I really enjoyed all that much!
I love his work! I was so sorry to hear he died.
Haven't read anything by Salinger, looks like I need to :-)
Glad you have discovered this man's work and short stories. His Nine Stories (including Bananafish) is a favourite collection of mine. And you must read Franny and Zooey, and Raise High the Roof Beams Carpenter if you can find it. I could not read Catcher in the Rye. I tried more than once and I just could not tolerate that boy. I hope you are more tolerant. Everything else he wrote was wonderful for me. I very much look forward to your thoughts on his work.
I hadn't heard of Salinger here in Australia until a few blogs I read started putting up posts about his passing. Am off to check it out!
I'm so glad you loved it too! It's one of my favourite stories ever. So powerful.
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