Thursday, February 18, 2010

Shorty Talks: The Tower Room by Nicola Slade

**Updated with author notes!!!**
The Tower Room by Nicola Slade
It is as if I am stuck with this author right now! So after reading and enjoying My Dear Miss Fairfax which was an early Victorian love story told through letters, I went ahead and read The Tower Room by the same author. Though not in the same format as the former one, this story comes with a note from the author, which says...

Is it a ghost story ? Or a love story ? You decide…

That message and this image on the right are enough reasons why I had to read this one as well. The story's opening lines do not fail to intrigue...
Emily Martin was pleased rather than dismayed when she found that her bedroom was haunted. It added a certain spice to life, she decided, something a little out of the ordinary.
Emily Martin came to live in a sheltered flatlet [old age home] and fell in love with the tower room, which no one told her was haunted. There was nothing about the room, that did draw suspicion in her except for the fact that she saw dreams of India every night. But to her, this was not abnormal, and she felt really good in that room.

After ten days she realized that far from stamping her personality on the Tower Room, the room was actually altering her, softening her, smoothing away the angles and breaking open the glossy shell she had constructed over the years.

When the portrait of the benefactor of the sheltered flatlet, returns to its rightful place after being away for repairs, Emily feels disturbed and inquires about the room from a resident there.

I actually enjoyed this stroy a lot and I can say I liked this one better than My Dear Miss Fairfax! Yes! It is not just because it has Indian element in there... but something about Emily and the way she was... attracted me to her. I really liked her and her reasoning and thinking.
It is amazing, that this was Nicola's first short story attempt. I wouldn't believe that if she wouldn't have said this on her site.
Think we might have our wires crossed a bit: this wasn't my first story, but it was first published in a UK women's magazine back in the 90s, so it was an early one, as I wrote for children before that. It's almost the only occasion when I've sat at the computer with nothing in my head - and found a story flowing out of my fingers! (This happens sometimes, with short passages, but never a whole story, so this one is very special to me).
-Nicola in the comments!

It is so great that the author came and commented and corrected me! I am so happy and moved!
At 6 pages, it is a short, quick and amazing read.
Is it a ghost story ? Or a love story ? You decide…


Suko said...

Veens, I am reading more short stories because of you. It's not bad reading them online. In fact, it's more than tolerable, it's actually a pleasure. Thanks for sharing this one. I'm not sure if I like this one better than My Dear Miss Fairfax, but I certainly like it.

I hope you don't mind, but I am thinking about gathering up some short story links and putting them into a single post--including the two you posted by Nicola Slade.

Veens said...

Suko, I am so glad! And the fact that you are liking it is really cool too!

Of course I don't mind you posting links on your blog! I got these links from some fabulous blogger out there too :)!!

Nicola Slade said...

Hi Veems,
Me again! I'm glad you like this one as well. Think we might have our wires crossed a bit: this wasn't my first story, but it was first published in a UK women's magazine back in the 90s, so it was an early one, as I wrote for children before that. It's almost the only occasion when I've sat at the computer with nothing in my head - and found a story flowing out of my fingers! (This happens sometimes, with short passages, but never a whole story, so this one is very special to me).

Bhargavi said...

sounds really interesting and definitely different !! will read it soon ! thanx !
i am desperately trying to like reading e-books/books online.. with daddy long legs .. i could have read the book online with the link one of u guys shared.. but i had to find a physical book .. and it took me almost 3 weeks to find one !! ..

Ana S. said...

Even better than My Dear Miss Fairfax? I must give it a try. Also, your short story posts are making me want to go back to reading and reviewing them regularly...I miss it!

Beth F said...

Now you're making think I should give short stories another try. Good job.

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

You make it appealing. Thanks for doing that!

Bill ;-)

Hope you'll check out my book giveaway:

Anonymous said...

This looks fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing your new discvery with us :)

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