Did you know . . . that March 20th was Bibliomania Day?
On March 20, 1990, Stephen Blumberg of Ottumwa, Iowa, was arrested for stealing over 23,600 books worth $20 million and weighing 19 tons. So look out for a the "bookey-man"!
From 123people.com,
Over more than twenty years, Stephen Blumberg stole more than 23,000 rare books from 268 libraries, a collection that was estimated to be worth between five and twenty million dollars. According to William Moffett, an expert in bibliokleptomania, "in terms of the number of libraries raided and the number of volumes known to be stolen, Blumberg is the No. 1 thief of books in American history." Due to his intelligent modus operandi and to the fact that they were simply not expecting such a large-scale assault on their holdings, most of the libraries he stole from were not even aware of their losses until Blumberg was apprehended in 1990. Continue Reading...
Like many book thieves, Blumberg was also a book lover. "It was his habit to read constantly through the night, cat-napping, waking, reading, dozing, waking, reading again, never fully sleeping. "
Diane from Bibliophile By the Sea tagged me for this FUN MEME!
- Are there any books you would like to beg, borrow, or steal?
Beg - yes! Borrow - yes! Steal - oh yes yes yes! I fantasize myself breaking into libraries of MANY of my fellow bloggers and stealing there lovely collections! So my dear blogging freinds, beware ;) :P
- Are you addicted to trips to Borders or the public library?
I wish I had Borders or a library nearby! In the last few months I have been confined to home and eBooks and the rest of the TBR pile that I have not read! I am itching to break my book-buying-ban!
- Do you have a way to remember what books you have read?
GoodReads, LibraryThing and my Blog, of course!
- When did your love of books begin?
I think I have said this before. It started very young, when my dad used to buy me comics and kid books for the 3 day train journey from where we lived to our home-town for vacations. It was his way of keeping me occupied! I grew up on Tinkle, Archies, Amar Chitra Katha.. Chacha Chaoudary.... Loved them all. Then it was Enid Blyton and so on! I love you Dad, for this and many other things!!
- What is a favorite book?
Umm... very difficult question! Over the years, as I have become older my reading chioces have changed and so has my fav book. But when I was in my 11th, I read Thorn Birds! And started me off on a reading journey so different from what I was used to. I simply loved it! Then in 2008 - I loved The Kite Runner. These 2 books, I think changed my reading choices... and for that reason will always be the top 2!
Author? Again, I have several favorites.
- Do you still have in your possession a book borrowed, but not returned to its rightful owner?
Oh yes, i have 2 books I so need to return to a family friend. But I will have to wait for some more months before I can make that trip or just hope she drops by once :)
But I generally return the books I have taken except the ones that I STOLE from my uncle's library. And well he knows and he is fine with it LOL!
- What's the most in library fines you have owed?
I was a good girl, and I have returned all my books on time.
- Do you loan books out to others?
If I have read them then yes, I love giving suggestions and making my friends read the books I loved :) :)!
At the end of this, I can TAG some people to do this :) :)
umm... so I tag (**evil grin**)-
Now my dear prospective book-thieves.. go on do this fun meme... I am sure you will enjoy this as much as I did :) :)
AND if you choose NOT to do this... then.... it's ok ;) .. rest assured your personal - libraries will be BURGLED
**evil laugh**
"It isn't the big pleasures that count the most; it's making a great deal out of the little ones."— Jean Webster
Wow, thanks for the info on Bibliomania Day, that's so interesting!
Enjoyed reading your answers, Veens, and thanks for tagging me! Will try to post my answers soon. :P
Veens, your answers are great--many are funny and made me LOL! And where did you get such cute pictures?! " :)
I enjoyed this post Veens and I have to admire that guy who stole so many books, wow.
Thanks for tagging me.
LOL indeed! Nice answers and thanks for tagging me. This is a cool meme :D
I'm a serial offender when it comes to not returning my books in time. 0_O
http://atpemberley.blogspot.com/2010/03/meme-thank-you.html here's my meme!
This was fun! You don't have to steal my books - you can come over and borrow whatever you want anytime. LOL
I love the books picture on this post! Too cute.
the picture is reaally cute !! belated bibliomania day !! nice answers
I loved that you chose to participate and that first cartoon is so cute.
Have a great week.
Fun answers! I had to save that picture, too. Sooo true. I remember watching Thornbirds on t.v. eons back and have yet to read the book given to me.
Veens, I just posted this meme, even though I don't have the cool pictures you have. ;)
Thanks for tagging me!! I just finished this tag and it was fun!! :)
Loved the info on bibliokleptomania.. made for interesting reading, though i can't think of it :(
lol - your uncle is a kind man :P
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