- Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?
No, I don't usually! In general my favorite snack is Bourbon biscuits! High in calories and high in taste... just what I like :D!
- Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
No, never! it is HORRIFIC to mark books :)
- How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears?
Bookmarks, of course! I hate dog- earing my books... they are my treasures :)
- Laying the book flat open?
Nope...I don't do that either!
- Fiction, Non-fiction, or both?
Mostly Fiction!
- Hard copy or audio books?
Hard Copy mostly... I have concentration issues with audio books!
- Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you able to put a book down at any point?
I can put the book down whenever I want :)
- If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away?
NO! I wish I would do that and LEARN some words! But I can't Stop :)
- What are you currently reading?
2 books - Interview with a Vampire [ recommended by 3M!] and Cleopatra's Daughter
- What is the last book you bought?
Pirate's Daughter by Margaret Cezair-Thompson
- Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can you read more than one at a time?
I am reading 1 eBook and 1 hard copy! try to read 2 books, but I can read just one at a time! I know that's so ODD!
- Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read?
No nothing like that, if a story pulls me in, I read it irrespective of the time/place!
- Do you prefer series books or stand alone books?
- Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over?
hmm...That's n interesting question! I normally don't recommend an author... as I am not the person who goes about reading EVERY book that the author writes. But recently I have found that I just love Michelle Moran's writing and books and similarly one book "Memoirs of a Geisha"... If you have not read either... you better go and read them!!!
- How do you organize your books? (By genre, title, author’s last name, etc.?)
I don't really organize! I buy, I read and then I put them back in the shelf... Actually now that you tell me I need to do that :)
That was FUN! I am so GLAD I participated... Thank You BBAW for the most wonderful week!! :)
It was fun to read your answers. And now I'm even more excited about winning one of Michelle Moran's books--thanks again!
I loved your answers. I may have to try this one.
I've fun reading everyone's answers! :)
What a fun meme, Veens! And what are Bourbon Biscuits? :) And I have concentration issues with audio books, too. Wish I knew a way to get over that!
I want to know what Bourbon biscuits are, too! Some kind of cookies?
I need to check out Bourbon biscuits ... Can you get them in the States?
I love Michelle Moran's books too! She's such a great author.
Meghan @ Medieval Bookworm
OOH, I hate dog earing too! By the way, did you see I mentioned you in my Monday BBAW post?
I used to only read one book at a time but not anymore. Now it's more like 3 or 4 :)
And, I'm with you... must have a bookmark to mark my spot!
By the way, how are you liking Interview with the Vampire? I read that years and years ago and loved it.
I really enjoyed reading your answer. I saw the post about the bourbon biscuits. They sound good.
Diary of an Eccentric
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