Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My BBAW Interview with Daphne of Tanzanite's Shelf and Stuff

A last minute interview hook up for me was arranged by the BBAW girls, thanks a lot to them!

My interview partner is Daphne and if you have NOT visited her lovely blog, you might as well go right ahead.

Shamefully, this is my first on her blog too and I am so glad I found her! I found that we share the love for historical fiction and I am looking forward to reading her blog!

My interview with her is posted on her blog too, if you have time go check that out as well!!

1. Hi Daphne, Welcome to my blog! Why don't you tell us something about yourself?

Oh, that is always one of the hardest questions in the world to answer, isn’t it?! Anyway, the past year has seen some major changes in my life so I’m having to learn how to answer this kind of question differently. My husband and I moved to Colorado (after living our entire lives in Indiana) so that I could take a management position with a federal human services agency. Our daughter had recently started college in Indiana and so we made the decision to let her stay there – that was probably the toughest decision I have ever made. So I find myself with lots of time on my hands…

2. How long have you been blogging and what inspires you to blog?

I started my blog almost three years ago as a way to keep track of the books I had read and what I thought of them. Now, it’s become my second obsession (after reading) and I am always looking for new ideas for my blog.

3. As this is about appreciation [ BBAW] - What do you think is the best thing about blogging?

Definitely the sense of community and making new friends. I affectionately refer to them as my “book friends”. I also love the opportunity to talk about books with others. My husband’s not much of a reader and although he’ll sometimes ask what I’m reading or what it’s about, we can’t really have much of a discussion about it. I also like discovering new authors and books that I wouldn’t have otherwise known about.

4. What kind of books do you MOST enjoy and what kind of books do you review on your blog?

I read historical fiction and related non-fiction history/biography books.

5. What's one book you will whole-heartedly recommend to me? [ Any genre ]

Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman. Set in Wales during the reign of King John (of Magna Carta fame) it is a wonderfully written with a beautiful love story.

6. How do you juggle your life with blogging?

I actually find it pretty easy. I went from a job where I worked 60+ hours a week to one where I now work 40 and without my daughter and her issues to occupy my time on a daily basis, I really have quite a bit of time for blogging and reading.

7. Which are your favorite blogs out there?

Wow, there are so many that I follow it’s hard to pick, but I really love Passages to the Past and author Susan Higginbotham’s Medieval Woman.

8. If you had one whole day to yourself, what would you do?!

Go get a massage, do a little shopping and read!

Oh! I would also love to get a massage ;)!!

Hope you all liked the interview and all of us got to know a little more about Daphne!

Thank you BBAW, it was so much fun doing this!

Thank You Daphne, for swapping interviews! It was great!!


Daphne said...

Thanks Veens! I'm so glad we had the opportunity to do this and that I found another historical fiction lover!

Anonymous said...

Yay...I'm glad you got to participate! Great job!

Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

What a fun and interesting interview. You would never know that it was a last minute thing!

Suko said...

Fun and interesting interview--well done!

Beth F said...

Great job! I particularly liked your last question. I'm going to try to remember to use that one myself in the future. (hope you don't mind).

S. Krishna said...

Great creative questions! It was nice to learn more about Daphne, as I read her blog as well.

Anna said...

Great interview! Another new-to-me blog. Going to check it out right now...

Diary of an Eccentric

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