Saturday, January 23, 2010

Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster

Reading is a pleasure, ain't it! And it is more interesting when you discover a book out of the blue and it turns out to be a masterpiece!

One of the many reasons why I LOVE the blogging world, is because " you find books everyday, out of the blue".

So there I was hopping around my Google Reader from blog to blog, reading what had been going on in each of my friends reading lives, when I chanced upon a review of a book named Daddy-Long-Legs (and Dear Enemy) by Jean Webster on Nymeth's Blog! Now, what was that?! I went back again to make sure I had read the title right! Yes, I did! And then read the review too.. and if you guys read Nymeth's blog, you know how she can make you LONG to read a book she has loved :) and that's exactly what I FELT!

So off I went in search of this little epistolary novel first published in 1912! 1912? It has to be available online, I thought... and Good God, there it was... you got to LOVE Project Gutenberg []!

This is an epistolary novel about a girl from an orphanage who is given the opportunity to attend college by a benevolent trustee of the orphanage whose only demand is a letter outlining her progress in college.
So this is what I have been busy reading every free minute I had in front of my computer and I tell you it is a DELIGHTFUL read. I have had that smile on my face since I started reading this one! I love it totally!!

So in tab, of the happy-go-lucky book hunting that I have been doing, I think this has to be one of the best classics I have read so far. It is just AWESOME! It is a small book... full of life and inspiration and I LOVE this author. I mean, what imagination!!

OK, I am not going to BORE you guys anymore, you ought to go read it and spread the word, I am sure you will LOVE Judy, her imagination and her happy-go-lucky attitude. Oh! you have so much to learn from this 17-18 yr old!

Anybody can rise to a
crisis and face a crushing tragedy with courage, but to meet the petty
hazards of the day with a laugh--I really think that requires SPIRIT.
So true, don't you think?!

Jamais je ne t'oublierai, Judy! [ I will never forget, Judy!]
I need to find this sequel now - Dear Enemy



Anonymous said...

I read this earlier this week, and loved it! Judy is so feisty, she has great spirit.

Sandra said...

I've always loved your enthusiam Veens. And yes, I love Project Gutenberg too. I've read several books there, the price is just right for my pocket so to speak. So glad you enjoyed this. I'll take a look at Nymeth's review but I suspect it's written for young ones and I don't read YA literature. Hope you find Dear Enemy.

Suko said...

Now you've got me interested in reading this! Isn't Project Gutenberg incredible?!

Happy weekend. :)

Ana S. said...

I'm so glad to hear you loved it too :D It makes me happy that more people are discovering this book. It was through two other bloggers recommendation that I found it too, so yay for bloggers! :D

Lisa said...

I remember reading this when I was young but can't really remember much about it other than I liked it. I should get it from the library and see what I liked so much about it.

Anonymous said...

These discoveries make my Google Reader invaluable! Thanks for the recomendation.

Melody said...

I love, love, love discovering books from fellow bookbloggers! :D I'm glad you enjoyed this, Veens! Of course I'll add this book onto my wishlist! :P

Dr. Tripat Mehta said...

Anybody can rise to a
crisis and face a crushing tragedy with courage, but to meet the petty
hazards of the day with a laugh--I really think that requires SPIRIT...

wow..u have unveiled the truth..really liked it

Alaine said...

What a fantastic review, now I want to read this book. I'm off to get it. Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

I remember reading this when I was in school. I loved it so much, such a sweet book!

Enbrethiliel said...


This is also one of my favourites. I wish it were better known than it is, so I was happy to stumble across your review. (Thanks to Cym Lowell's Wednesday Book Review Party!)

Just wondering: was there anyone else who didn't guess the secret (I don't want to be more specific!) before the end of the book? Friends who have also read Daddy-Long-Legs roll their eyes at me and say it was so obvious . . . so I console my naive self with the thought that I got the biggest share of Judy's surprise and happiness, because I felt it, too! =)

Michelle said...

I've read a few reviews of this recently, and now I want to read it!

Thanks for linking to the Project Gutenberg listing. I'll probably read it there.

Unknown said...

Thanks for linking up! I enjoyed your review...good job!


Alaine said...

I just wanted to mention that I remembered this book was made into a movie of the same name starring Fred Astaire, it's one of my favourite movies!

Priya Iyer said...

god knows how i missed reading this book earlier :(

i am so glad i read it now, thanks to your review :)

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